So how does riding a scooter have anything to do with your business success? Let me make the following analogy:
We have all been stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. There we sit in our big cars and trucks not moving at all or moving forward in fits and starts. Everybody is in the same situation. No one is making any substantial progress. Does this sound like how you feel with your business?
Suddenly, you get a glimpse of something moving in your rear view mirror. How can this be? No one else is going anywhere? Here comes this dude on his scooter (or motorcycle or bike) weaving in and out of the bigger vehicles. He is zigging and zagging and squeezing through the spaces that the rest of us can't utilize. I am always envious of that guy when he passes my car and keeps right on moving.
He is making progress for many reasons. His size...he's small, nimble, and flexible. He sees opportunity where the rest of us see gridlock. And he is willing to take a little risk for the reward of moving ahead of everyone else. This is the essence of today's successful small business.
So how can you embrace your small business flexibility and use it to your advantage? In looking at this analogy, you need to use some strategies that others in your field are NOT doing. Let me use Social Media as just one example (and Bria and I have many, many more).
Do you fully utilize Social Media? Are you Tweeting to your list of clients about a new product or upcoming event? Do you know the tricks and tips for a successful Facebook campaign? Do you even have a Facebook account? When was the last time you posted a video to YouTube to promote your business? I am betting that a lot of you are not doing this at all or are doing it too infrequently. Guess what? So is your competition!
It is not hard to do and we can show you just how simple and cost effective it is. These are the type of success strategies that we teach on our talk, "What IS and is NOT working in today's economy - 7 success strategies you need to know to grow your business today".